The 13 Principles

When we start paying attention to Nature and our nature, we realize that life is cyclical and that we as women are too.


Every year we enjoy 13 moons, 13 menstrual cycles, and 13 opportunities to tap into our intuition and to anchor the life we truly want.


When we tap into that knowing and choose to honor it, magic happens. When we do this in community, realities shift and new possibilities are born.


As women committed to a life of regenerative service, working with life is incredibly important. For this reason, we felt it important to anchor what we’re trying to do here in 13 principles.


We encourage you to sit with each one individually and let it have its way with you. Chances are if you’re moved, you are a good candidate to join this community.


We build and expand from a place of wholeness. This means we take excellent care of what is already here before we look to expand further.


We do this work for ourselves, for each other, and for the world we want to live in and leave behind.


We bring back the village by including others, both in the crafting of our vision and in the way we execute. This means two things:


1. We consider the repercussions of our actions as extending further than just ourselves.


2. We look to build with others. We seek and accept support from our community.


We look to optimize rather than maximize 
our resources.


We don’t pedestal money. We consider it one of many resources we are meant to work with.


We listen to and work with life. This means we cultivate an awareness around the cycles we are affected by, participate in, and design accordingly.


We lead from a place of love and joy. We don’t force things or act in ways that require us to abandon any aspect of ourselves.


The question at the center of our approach changes from, ‘how do I sustain my life?’ to ‘how do I sustain the life that sustains me?’


We see pleasure as a foundational principle of this work, not the destination. The destination is harmony.


We see money as an extension of our life force energy and as such, sacred.


We give ourselves permission to make mistakes and see this as an iterative process of refinement. We concern ourselves with progress, not perfection.


We recognize and embrace the fact that with great power comes great responsibility. This requires us to be honest and brave.


We bloom when were are good and ready. We don’t rush.

If these sound good to you... Reach out!

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