Origin Story

I started my coaching business roughly 10 years ago and in 2021, feeling called to change things up and armed with data captured from over 400 clients, I sat down to see what it had to teach me. I noticed that the vast majority of the 260 something women I had worked with struggled primarily with self-confidence and needed help healing their relationship with money.

After a painful, but very necessary breakup and a moment of truth with myself,Ā I realized that even though I had been preaching the gospel of womenā€™s empowerment for years, when I looking at my own life, I was still replicating unconscious familial patterns of financial dependency. In a way, I was stuck in the very same patterns that I was helping other women heal.

After ingesting a big piece of humble pie, I decided that needed to change immediately.

With all the coaching tools you can imagine and almost 20 years of personal development work under my belt, I created a step-by-step process to look at and heal my relationship with money. As I walked the path and tapped into the ā€˜meā€™ that had worked in finance more than a decade ago, I also realized that conventional money management wisdom is actually quite extractive and resolved to find a way to empower myself being more mindful of my contribution to society and the planet.


After all, whatā€™s the point of getting rich if itā€™s killing the earth I love and live on?


In my mind, I needed to re-learn the money game while at the same time starting to change the game itself and how I played it all together. To do so, I sank my teeth into anything that could help me understand the bigger picture and how to be a more conscious steward of resources moving forward.

I took courses in personal finance, regenerative systems thinking, trauma, somatic experiencing, and found my greatest teacher in the OG matriarchā€” Mother Nature when I did a deep study in the field of Biomimicry.
As I learned natureā€™s design principles, what I found and began to practice changed my life. That experience gave me an unshakeable sense of confidence and trust in myself and showed me that the new direction I had been looking for in my business was clearā€¦ Thatā€™s how Maua was born.

The process I walked myself through and am inviting you to join has informed my financial decisions for the last three years in a very real way and I'm happy to say has also helped me get to a point where I have:

A Full Emergency Fund

5 months of living expenses covered if it hits the fan

AĀ Solid Retirement Plan

that makes me money and protects my future

Real Estate Investments

that provide monthly passive income

Monthly Contributions

to a growing stock market portfolio

Crypto Investments

to diversify my risk and embrace the future

Business Investments

in two startups that are doing beautiful work in the world

A Friend Love Fund

where I set aside a monthly amount to help my community

The best part?


This all also happened after a major financial setback early last year but because I was on top of things and no longer afraid of money, I figured out how to make it work.

Truth is,Ā I want this feeling of 'Yeah baby, I KNOW I'VE GOT THIS' for every woman I knowā€¦. That's why I created this thing.

Today, I continue to deepen in my studies and as I do, our course curriculum reflects that. As I learn and grow, so will the course and so will you. Isnā€™t that beautiful?


Ours is a story that is continuously unfolding. Weā€™d love for you to join us!


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