Matriarchal Money Management Deciphered

BecauseĀ a life-centered approach to resource management is good for you, your community, and the planet.


ā€œThe word 'wealth' originated from 'weal' which in Middle English meant 'well-being'.


We used to understand wealth from a holistic perspective and we used to see ourselves as each others' keepers and as stewards of this planet.


Our focus wasn't solely individual or material, it was all encompassing and systemic... it very much included emotional, communal, and environmental considerations and recognized their interdependence.


This moment in our history is asking us to do so again and we would be wise to listen.ā€

ā€”Ā Ā M O N AĀ  Ā G R E E N

Welcome to theĀ Maua ecosystem.Ā 


We teach women to trust themselves and to manage their resources in a way that empowers them as individuals, active members of their communities, and stewards of this beautiful planet.

Thank you for visiting us, we are excited to get to know you.

Hey there!

I'm Mona.
YourĀ Guide.

Read my storyĀ  āž

Nice to meet you! I am the ever curious coach, investor, poet, pirate, artist, and earth mama founder and CEO of Namasme (Maua's parent company).Ā  At my very core, I want to help women and this planet to heal.

After a decade of being a coach and working in just about every industry under the sun, I think the key to making both things happen is a two part process: #1) putting more resources in the hands of women and #2) empowering those very women to feel confident within themselves and to manage their resources in a way that promotes equity, harmony, interdependence, balance, and long-term thinking.

To put it plainly, my biggest wish is to help women connect with what I call their inner modern matriarch. Today Iā€™m proud to say I have made the pursuit of this dream my lifeā€™s work and Iā€™m thrilled with the results so far.

So welcome, welcome! Have a look around and if you have a question that isnā€™t answered on the site, send us a note. Weā€™d love to hear from you.

To get the ā€˜on paperā€™ goods and learn more about me and my previous career trajectory, greatest hits, and other offerings, please clickĀ here.

Hey there!

I'm Mona.
YourĀ Guide.

Read my storyĀ  āž

Nice to meet you! I am the ever curious coach, investor, poet, pirate, artist, and earth mama founder and CEO of Namasme (Maua's parent company).Ā  At my very core, I want to help women and this planet to heal.

After a decade of being a coach and working in just about every industry under the sun, I think the key to making both things happen is a two part process: #1) putting more resources in the hands of women and #2) empowering those very women to feel confident within themselves and to manage their resources in a way that promotes equity, harmony, interdependence, balance, and long-term thinking.

To put it plainly, my biggest wish is to help women connect with what I call their inner modern matriarch. Today Iā€™m proud to say I have made the pursuit of this dream my lifeā€™s work and Iā€™m thrilled with the results so far.

So welcome, welcome! Have a look around and if you have a question that isnā€™t answered on the site, send us a note. Weā€™d love to hear from you.

To get the ā€˜on paperā€™ goods and learn more about me and my previous career trajectory, greatest hits, and other offerings, please clickĀ here.

As we mentioned before, we believe wealth to be a holistic journey. For that reason, as a member of the program you will receive more than just the course material you will read about in the program page.


Participants also benefit from access to a limited number of free community offerings the ecosystem provides. This means you can expect things the likes of:

AstrologyĀ Readings

Learn how the stars can help you navigate your financial life.


Increase your confidence as you ground in your body.

BreathworkĀ Sessions

Release stagnant emotion and clear the way for new beliefs.


Quiet the mind, strengthen the vision.

What people are saying...

ā€œIt didn't just recycle the new-age jargon we all hear on the internet, it feels like MAUA has roots in an ancient future (...) Based on where I was at with my understanding of money, I felt like the material was literally changing my life and that you could charge more for this."
-Orshi S.


"Mona, I just wanted to let you know that I think you've created a negotiation monster.ā€
- Maria H.


ā€œIt was truly kismet to have found this group, as I was navigating my transition from corporate work into freelance life. Mona was a well of knowledge and I felt so empowered by both the content and the group of women."
- Veronica L.


"I am free. I am expansive. I understand my value in a far greater way, I can more easily express my value, and it is , in turn, more easily recognized and compensated. I have boundaries and I can speak them and be heard. I have the imprint on my soul of being held, witnessed, and supported. That code lives within me so that I help others break the locks on their own doubts and fears."
- Kelly S.


ā€œAwww yes! Iā€™m seeing the immense blossoming of all the work we did together ladies and am so grateful to this container and all that has unfolded from its medicine! (...)
Following my dharma out into the world and stepping into greater leadershipā€¦.all while holding my value and receiving divine reciprocity for my sacred service!!
Almost at a 33K launch which was a dream I set years ago and yet seemed inconceivable from the mindset I was at when I entered into Maua."
-Mera M.


"This is a deep dive into our relationships with ourselves and all of our resources, and how we manage money as a reflection of all of that. It is spiritual, sensitive, radical, and action-oriented - a great embodiment practice and lesson of the masculine and feminine. Revolutionary not only for our relationships to money but everything else around us and ultimately, our relationships to the laws of Nature which embody the relationship to ourselves. "
- Nicole E.



This program is for you if...

  • Youā€™re ready to get uncomfortable in the name of growth and be brutally honest with yourself.
  • You understand that to steward money you must learn personal finance basics and are ready to do so.
  • The idea of a resourced you turns you on.
  • Youā€™re ready to drop patriarchal narratives around helplessness and want to experience yourself as capable and even savvy in your resource management.
  • Youā€™re tired of all the personal development industry bullshit encouraging you to just think about yourself and are ready to embrace the fact that you are a part of something bigger and act accordingly.
  • You care enough about our planet and the fact that itā€™s burning to be moved into action.
  • You desire to be a good future ancestor and want to play a bigger leadership role in your community.

This program is NOT for you if...

  • You want to learn how to make six figure months with automated sales funnels.
  • You want to be a ā€˜do whatever it takes girl bossā€™ or a blissfully uninvolved ā€˜kept womanā€™ when it comes to your finances.
  • Youā€™re not willing to explore financial literacy and think you can figure out your money issues simply by manifesting more resources or working on the ā€˜energeticsā€™.

Join the Ecosystem

We're always up to something and we'd love to let you know when we have news, updates, or a new offering!